ISBI 2016: 100 Lesion Classification
  • Does the lesion appear to be benign or malignant? Benign, Malignant
  • Indicate your management decision Biopsy, Observation and/or reassurance
  • What is your level of confidence (1-7)? Absolutely confident, Confident, Somewhat confident, Neither confident nor unconfident, Somewhat unconfident, Unconfident, Not confident at all
Annotator Progress
User JBWQP 100 / 100
User J9B5P 100 / 100
User J437P 100 / 100
User J8V3J 100 / 100
User P6EKJ 100 / 100
User PYB5J 100 / 100
User JAA2J 100 / 100
User PZZ3P 100 / 100